

To Whom it May Concern:


My friends and I have just finished recording a new album called Sleep Through the Static.  At this point in my life I weigh about 190 lbs and my ear hairs are getting longer.  I also have a couple of kids.  My wife popped them out, but I helped.  Some of the songs on this album are about making babies.  Some of the songs are about raising them.  Some of the songs are about the world that these children will grow up in; a world of war and love, and hate, and time and space.  Some of the songs are about saying goodbye to people I love and will miss.

Sleep Through the Static】的錄製。在我人生的這個階段,我的體重大約190磅,虛長了些年歲,也生了幾個小孩。我老婆把他們生出來,但是我也有幫上忙。專輯裡有些歌是關於生小孩,有些歌是關於養小孩;有些歌是描述孩子們成長的這個世界;充滿了戰爭、愛、仇恨、時間和空間的世界。還有些歌是向我所愛的人們道別,以及對他們的思念。


We recorded the songs onto analog tape machines powered by the sun in Hawaii and Los Angeles.  One day, JP Plunier walked into the studio and told us, "It has been 4 to 6 feet and glassy for long enough," and so we gave him a variety of wind and rain as well as sun and so on.  And Robert Carranza helped to put it all in the right places.

JP Plunier走進錄音室對我們說:「一直衝漂亮的浪已經膩了。」於是我們給了他不同種類的風、雨、還有陽光等等。然後Robert Carranza幫我們各就各位。


After inviting Zach Gill to join Adam Topol, Merlo Podlewski, and myself on our last world tour, we decided to make him an official member of our gang.  So our gang now has a piano player, which probably makes us much less intimidating, but Merlo, our bass player, is 6'3" so we are still confident.

Zach Gill加入我與Adam TopolMerlo Podlewski上次的世界巡迴之後,我們決定要讓他成為正式的一員。於是我們這一票多了一位鋼琴手,或許會讓我們看起來不這麼雄壯威武,不過我們的貝斯手Merlo身高64吋,所以我們還是自信滿滿。


All of these songs have been on my mind for a while and it is nice to share them.  I am continually grateful to my wife who is typing this letter as I dictate it to her.



I hope you enjoy this album. 希望你們喜歡這張專輯。


Mahalo for listening, 多謝聆聽

Jack Johnson 傑克強森

Jack has released 3 solo records (Brushfire Fairytales, On & On and In Between Dreams), and contributed to a number of Soundtracks including Curious George, A Brokedown Melody, Thicker Than Water and September Sessions. These albums have sold over 15 million copies worldwide.

3張個人專輯(虛擬故事、永不止息及仲夏夜之夢),並參與了好幾張原聲帶作品,包括「好奇喬治」、「A Brokedown Melody」、「Thicker Than Water」、「September Sessions」。專輯累積銷售全球突破1500萬張。


Sleep Through the Static was produced by JP Plunier, who was the producer of Jack's first album Brushfire Fairytales.

Sleep Through the Static】由JP Plunier製作,他也是傑克強森首張專輯「Brushfire Fairytales虛擬故事」的製作人。


Jack's band consists of long time members Adam Topol (Drums) and Merlo Podlewski (Bass), and Zach Gill (Keys) who joined the band during the tour to support In Between Dreams.

Adam Topol (鼓手)Merlo Podlewski (貝斯手)、及Zach Gill(鍵盤手)Zach在「仲夏夜之夢」巡迴時加入樂團。


Jack is also a filmmaker and made the surf films September Sessions and Thicker Than Water with The Malloys.

The Malloys兄弟檔一起執導「September Sessions」及「Thicker Than Water」兩部衝浪電影。


Jack will be on tour in 2008 to support the release of Sleep Through the Static. The tour will hit Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Hawaii, United Kingdom, France, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Holland, Canada and the United States.  Jack's first US show will be the Kokua Festival in Hawaii on Earth Day 2008.

Sleep Through the Static】進行2008年的巡迴演唱會。地點包括澳洲、紐西蘭、日本、夏威夷、英國、法國、葡萄牙、西班牙、德國、荷蘭、加拿大及美國。傑克強森的首場美國演唱會是夏威夷的Kokua音樂節,於2008年的地球日舉行。


The Album was recorded 100% on Solar Energy.




1. All At Once

2. Sleep Through The Static

3. Hope

4. Angel

5. Enemy

6. If I Had Eyes

7. Same Girl

8. What You Thought You Need

9. Adrift

10. Go On

11. They Do, They Don't

12. While We Wait

13. Monsoon

14. Losing Key


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